While 24-hour awake staff is not required by state licensing, certain Assisted Living facilities may have caregivers awake at night to accommodate your Loved One. Should residents have high blood pressure, diabetes or other medical conditions, Autumn Leaves Of Garland should be able to provide special diet accommodations upon request. In terms of meal preparation, three healthy, home-cooked meals are provided to the residents at Autumn Leaves Of Garland. Caregivers in Autumn Leaves Of Garland can assist residents with help in to and out of the shower, dressing assistance, toileting and may provide the services of a travelling barber or hair dresser. Assisted Living Services Provided at Autumn Leaves Of GarlandĪutumn Leaves Of Garland on in Garland, can help with bathing and grooming. For more Assisted Living information or other services provided by Autumn Leaves Of Garland on 5600 Shiloh Rd, please contact 877.523.6523. This large care community is licensed for 46 residents by the state of Texas.Īutumn Leaves Of Garland of Garland, Texas provides Assisted Living services and amenities for their elderly residents. This is done so their residents can thrive in a safe, nurturing environment.Īutumn Leaves Of Garland provides Assisted Living and is located on 5600 Shiloh Rd in Garland. Focusing on the well being of the resident has been the goal of the staff at Autumn Leaves Of Garland. In Garland, Autumn Leaves Of Garland aims to help their residents maintain qualify of life in a home-like environment.